I can confidently say that I have found the best baby bath tub! This is a sponsored post with OXO Tot. When I first began using OXO Tot’s splash+store bathtub, I quickly realized this would be the last baby bathtub I would ever use. This was a relief after having tried four different baby bath tubs over the course of my motherhood. There were aspects of each bathtub that I liked but the aspects I didn’t like kept me on the search for the next best one.

So, what is it about OXO Tot’s bathtub that makes it the best in my opinion? It has to have been designed by a mom because it was made with moms in mind. Every aspect of their bathtub from its safety feature to ease of use is spot on. The first aspect is that the bathtub is designed to grow with your baby. I began using it with Harrison when he was seven months old but you can begin using it with your newborn. Harrison is now almost ten months old and I’ll be able to use it until he is 18 months. This is a two-in-one infant plus toddler bathtub. Previous bathtubs were just for infants and then my babies would quickly grow out of them. It is so annoying to have to get another bathtub. The toddler size bathtubs are so big too. My last one I never knew where to store it. OXO Tot’s splash+store bathtub easily breaks down into a flat surface and can be stored in your bathtub with its hook feature.

On to the thoughtful safety feature of the bathtub. Brilliant! I mean the support post in the middle of the bathtub is so brilliant.

The post divides the bathtub into two sides. One side for infants and the other for babies that can sit up on their own. The support post keeps Harrison safely in place. He can’t slip down under the water. I can quickly grab the soap or a wash cloth without having to hold onto him while doing it. I am definitely not saying that this means that you can walk away from your baby while they are in the tub. I am just saying I don’t have to hold on to him the whole time. I can enjoy bath time with Harrison.

Lastly, the bathtub is so easy to use. The narrow end of the bath tub cradles your infant. The wider end has plenty of space for your baby who is sitting up on his or her own to splash and play. Harrison loves bath time which is so nice. Bath time is enjoyable for both him and I. When bath time is over, all I have to do is pull the drain and all the water is removed. I don’t have to dump a bathtub full of water over. This may not sound like a chore but it is and messy too.

I have smiled through writing this whole post just because of how happy I am that I have this bathtub. Harrison and I are continuously making special memories. As a mom, I cannot recommend this bathtub enough to other moms and expecting moms.

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